Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My complaint of the day

I am sick, overwhelmed with school, burning up, exausted, sore from pole vaulting workouts, overbooked, and i feel like i am running out of time. I will elaborate more on my complaints. I have had a cold for the last couple days. I have been feeling miserable and no matter how much i sleep... it is never enough. I have been getting so much homework and I have to write papers. I am not going to lie, your poems are not helping with this. I realize that we have had plenty of time to do this and we have been procrastinating. Also it is EXTREMELY hot in this stupid computer lab. I have not been getting enough sleep. I have been getting up extra early to go out to breakfast with girls from church and staying out late on week days cause of other things i have planned. I have way too much going on, but we will talk about that later in my blog. I have come to an epiphany, Colleen + working out = pain. I know it is good for me but it just kills me. As for being overworked... Tonight i have pole vaulting practice then I have to dog sit and after that I have to attend a youth leadership meeting at my church. I have recently been given the title as a student leader in my youth group. Now I will be attending church three days a week instead of two. Tomorrow I am missing youth group to go to my boyfriends wrestling match in Anthony Wayne. Thursday I have pole vaulting AGAIN and also dog sitting. Friday I am spending time with my boyfriend and helping my mom around the house. Satuday I am having a Scrubaton with the Sports Med staff. We are in love with the TV show Scrubs. Later Saturday night (which is valentine's day mind you) I have to babysit. So not a fan. Sunday I have church in the morning and then having my Valentines date Sunday night because my Valentine's day was ruined by children... I honestly hate children. And on top of all my plans I feel like I can't get enough done in the time I have. My aunt (the nun) is now bugging me about college. I am still in my junior year... please leave me alone.

I believe I am done complaining for now.


  1. wow you complain a lot :) want to work on poems together :):) we so should.
    okay. you told me to comment you. so HI
    bye :D


  2. I can't hear you...you didn't capitalize "I". Two things are supposed to hurt: Working out-you are supposed to "feel the burn". AND, thinking- if it doesn't hurt your not doing it right.

  3. Well apparently I did do it right because I am really really really sore. And I am now even more booked because I am now being a mentor to two junior high girls from church. I have to meet with them twice a month. My mom also wants me to get a job. Gooooooooood joke!!!!
