Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's day! (Well the day after..)

On Valentine's day I was stuck babysitting so my boyfriend and I went on our date the day after. The night was
planned out exactly the same way as our first date. He planned out ever detail perfectly. Eric wore almost exactly the same thing he wore the night of our first date. He came to my house with a dozen pink roses ( seen on your left). After he talked to my parents for a while I gave him his gift, which was a picture frame I made and a bracelette and sunglasses (All very random but he loved them). We left and started driving to the express way. At that point I had to wear a blindfold. Once we arrived I knew exactly what he was doing. We were going to dinner and a movie like we did on our first date. We started our night by walking around from store to store. Then it was movie time. We watched "mall cop" which by the way was horrible. Then we went to Red Robin's again like we did on our first date. We both ordered the same thing and it was so much fun. After we were done with dinner we walked around the pond they have out there and just talked and laughed. Then we walked to his car and drove to mayberry for ice cream. Finally he took me home at 10. I loved my valentine's date. It was probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I never knew that Eric watched details that closely. He is perfect.

1 comment:

  1. awwwwwwwwww
    I love Eric.
    And I love you and Er together...
    You guys are so cute
